Boot camp

Boot camp

Boot camp Classes in Delhi About Boot camp It is intensive training in small groups is, due to its effectiveness, interaction with other people, lower cost than individual classes and the presence of motivation by a specially trained monitor. Benefits The exercises...


Dance Classes in Delhi About Dance It is a healthy and fun option to elevate the quality of life of all the people who make it, and it is part of the so-called in medicine as heart-healthy activities. The workout is a combination of Primal movements, Zero momentum...
Diet Counseling

Diet Counseling

Diet & Nutritional Counseling in Delhi About Diet Counseling Eating a healthy diet means following a feeding pattern that includes a variety of nutritious foods and beverages. If you want to eat a healthy diet, choose: Vegetables Fruits Whole grains Low-fat or...


Body Measurements About Measurements By controlling our body measurements we can better guide our training and know how much we advance. Keeping a training diary, taking measurements based on the results and recording the changes that our body is going through over...