Setting a goal is easy, working on it might not! When it’s related to fitness, a lot of us gets don’t even realize our capability or simply feel overwhelmed. Sometimes you take a forward and take two steps back. It happens almost with each one of us!

While the world directs you to step out of your comfort zone, you need to be comfortable in your own skin! So, when all your fitness goals seem like over the place, take a rest, revisit your purpose and make your way towards a new beginning- but this with allow yourself to keep progressing!

  •         Be Realistic

Expecting too much from yourself is the biggest way to demotivate and lose sight of your fitness goal. No wonder you aren’t getting anywhere and are way far from achieving your targets. If you are awaited to see a noticeable difference in one week or 10 days, by allowing yourself to go gym thrice a week then that’s a problem.

See you need to be true to yourself, first! Also, be realistic with your fitness goals. You aren’t losing weight to show off, or crashing a diet to make abs. We say, strive to become fit and healthy. Start by kicking-off bad habits, dwell into a week program, and ensure to have a positive environment to remain motivated.

  •         Mix It Up

Another reason why people fall off track- is by getting bored with the usual regime. Your body eventually gets used to single-minded training and makes it sound like a boredom routine. It is important to mix things up and switch up your exercises, like combining Yoga and Pilates. You can take part in Aerobics and Zumba or simply go for a walk and do some cardio and strength training in your gym.

The idea is to challenge yourself while being realistic so that it won’t hamper your current lifestyle. It will also channelize your mental strength and keep fitness exciting and fun! In weeks, you will witness good progress with what you are already doing. And, if it works, continue doing so, why stop and look back? Right!

  •         Track yourself weekly

Keep a workout calendar on your smartphone. Now, you are starting from scratch with a new mindset and motivation. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, plan your next sessions, stick to the timings, and record your performance consistently. It will help to understand your comfort and give ideas to make tweaks (which you can discuss with your trainer) and make workouts advantageous.

But, don’t get too hung up on the weekly results. Things may fluctuate, your body needs time to absorb into the routine and so is your diet plan. Be disciplined but don’t be harsh with yourself as it will make your motivation slip away in no time!

It is good to take some time to reflect and re-evaluate your goals and be consistent. Just remember- Set small goals and gain big results!